Denmark to begin taxing farmers for livestock methane emissions in 2030

This article was written by Jan M. Olsen and was published in the Globe & Mail on June 27, 2024.

Although carbon dioxide gets more attention for its role in climate change, methane, which is emitted by livestock, traps about 87 times more heat on a 20-year time scale, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Country is first to take the step as it aims to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases 70% from 1990 levels within six years

Denmark will tax livestock farmers for the greenhouse gases emitted by their cows, sheep and pigs from 2030, the first country to do so as it targets a major source of methane emissions, one of the most potent gases contributing to global warming.

The aim is to reduce Danish greenhouse-gas emissions by 70 per cent from 1990 levels by 2030, said Taxation Minister Jeppe Bruus.

As of 2030, Danish livestock farmers will be taxed 300 kroner ($59) a ton of carbon-dioxide equivalent in 2030. The tax will increase to 750 kroner ($147) by 2035. However, because of an income tax deduction of 60 per cent, the actual cost per ton will start at 120 kroner ($23) and increase to 300 kroner by 2035.

Although carbon dioxide typically gets more attention for its role in climate change, methane traps about 87 times more heat on a 20-year time scale, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Levels of methane, which is emitted from sources including landfills, oil and natural-gas systems and livestock, have increased particularly quickly since 2020. Livestock account for about 32 per cent of human-caused methane emissions, the UN Environment Programme says.

“We will take a big step closer in becoming climate-neutral in 2045,” Mr. Bruus said, adding Denmark “will be the first country in the world to introduce a real CO2 tax on agriculture” and that he hoped other countries would follow suit.

New Zealand had passed a similar law due to take effect in 2025. However, the legislation was removed from the statute book on Wednesday after hefty criticism from farmers and a change of government in the 2023 election from a centreleft ruling bloc to a centre-right one. New Zealand said it would exclude agriculture from its emissions-trading scheme in favour of exploring other ways to reduce methane.

Almost all of the methane from raising livestock, some 90 per cent, comes from the way they digest, through fermentation, and is released as burps through their mouths. Cows make up most of this belched methane.

Most of the remaining 10 per cent of livestock methane comes off manure ponds on both pig and cattle operations.

In Denmark, the deal was reached late Monday between the centre-right government and representatives of farmers, the industry and unions, among others, and presented Tuesday.

Denmark’s move comes after months of protests by farmers across Europe against climate-change mitigation measures and regulations that they say are driving them to bankruptcy.

The Danish Society for Nature Conservation, the largest nature conservation and environmental organization in Denmark, described the tax agreement as “a historic compromise.”

“We have succeeded in landing a compromise on a CO2 tax, which lays the groundwork for a restructured food industry – also on the other side of 2030,” its head Maria Reumert Gjerding said after the talks in which they took part.

A typical Danish cow produces six tonnes of CO2 equivalent a year. Denmark, which is a large dairy and pork exporter, also will tax pigs although cows produce far higher emissions than pigs.

The tax is to be approved in the 179-seat Folketing, or parliament, but the bill is expected to pass after the broad-based consensus.

According to Statistics Denmark, there were as of June 30, 2022, 1,484,377 cows in the Scandinavian country, a slight drop compared with the previous year.

Levels of methane, which is emitted from sources including landfills, oil and natural-gas systems and livestock, have increased particularly quickly since 2020.

Author: Ray Nakano

Ray is a retired, third generation Japanese Canadian born and raised in Hamilton, Ontario. He resides in Toronto where he worked for the Ontario Government for 28 years. Ray was ordained by Thich Nhat Hanh in 2011 and practises in the Plum Village tradition, supporting sanghas in their mindfulness practice. Ray is very concerned about our climate crisis. He has been actively involved with the ClimateFast group ( for the past 5 years. He works to bring awareness of our climate crisis to others and motivate them to take action. He has created the website, for tracking climate-related news articles, reports, and organizations. He has created to focus on what you can do to address the climate crisis. He is always looking for opportunities to reach out to communities, politicians, and governments to communicate about our climate crisis and what we need to do. He says: “Our world is in dire straits. We have to bend the curve on our heat-trapping pollutants in the next few years if we hope to avoid the most serious impacts of human-caused global warming. Doing nothing is not an option. We must do everything we can to create a livable future for our children, our grandchildren, and all future generations.”